BCA 全球青年数字艺术奖学金扶持计划 BCA Global Young Digital Art Scholarship Program

会议 / 3年前 / 6093 文 / wexun

主办方:BCA 区块链艺术中心 05月26日 00:00 – 08月21日 00:00中国 北京 北京 线上 1000人价格: 免费优选活动介绍 该奖学金由...

  • 主办方:BCA 区块链艺术中心

  •  05月26日 00:00 – 08月21日 00:00

  • 中国 北京 北京 线上

  •  1000人

  • 价格: 免费



  该奖学金由 BCA 区块链艺术中心与 Zonff Partners、清华 x-lab、中央美术学院设计学 院艺术和科技方向联合发起。

 The scholarship is initiated by BCA, Zonff Partners, Tsinghua x-lab, CAFA School of  Deisgn and Technology Program. 



 “BCA 全球青年数字艺术奖学金扶持计划”(BCA Global Young Digital Art Scholarship  Program)是由 BCA 区块链艺术中与 Zonff Partners 出资,由 BCA 区块链艺术中心与 清华大学经管学院下设的清华 x-lab、中央美术学院设计学院艺术和科技方向联合发 起。该奖学金是用于发展数字艺术的奖学金项目。该奖学金旨在用于关注和扶持当代 青年数字艺术家的艺术实践活动,坚持以数字艺术实践为主,深度发掘当代青年艺术 家优秀数字艺术作品,推广优秀获奖数字艺术家及其作品,同时也为全球培养优秀数 字青年艺术家,推动全球数字艺术发展。

 About the Program 

The BCA Global Young Digital Art Scholarship Program is funded by the BCA  (BlockCreateArt) and is initiated by the BCA Blockchain Art Center and Tsinghua x-lab under  the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University, CAFA School of Design  and Technology. The purpose of the scholarship is to promote the development of the Digital Art. The  scholarship is meant to draw public attention and champion the artistic practices of  contemporary young digital artists and reward those who engage in in-depth exploration of  this new artistic medium. While promoting outstanding award-winning digital artists and their  artworks, it aims to deepen global understanding and appreciation for young digital artists, in  order to facilitate the development of Digital Art on a global scale. 

本次(届)奖学金面向全球艺术院校学生及其毕业生。本奖学金将提供总额为 200,000 元人民币。作品形式包括但不限于数字绘画、数字雕塑、编程图像、视频影像等任何 形式的数字艺术作品。

 This scholarship is open to students and graduates of art schools around the world. This  scholarship will provide a total of 200,000 RMB. The forms of the artworks include (not  limited to): any form of digital artworks such as digital paintings, digital sculptures,  programmed images, and video etc.

本次(届)获奖作品将参与 BCA Art Center 线上与线下展览,入围作品将由 BCA 区块 链艺术中心协助免费上链。 

The winning works will be exhibited in BCA Art Center and BCA Virtual Art Center (on  CryptoVoxels). The shortlisted works will be minted by BCA Art Center for free. 

奖金额度: 本项目将提供总额为 200,000RMB 的奖金。 包含一等奖 5 万(1 名)、 二等奖 2 万(3 名)、三等奖 6000(15 名)、入围奖若干。 *入围奖 TOP100 将免费提供上链 Gas 费用。 

Scholarship Amounts This program will provide a total scholarship of 200,000RMB. It includes first prizes of 50,000RMB (1 prize), second prizes of 20,000RMB (3 prizes) and  third prizes of 6,000RMB (15 prizes) * Gas fees for minting will be waived for the TOP100 finalists. 


 1. Gas fee 补贴:获奖前 100 的作品均享有 Gas fee 补贴,并由 BCA 专业人员指导上链。

 2. 流量扶持:入围作品将享有 BCA 大型线上+线下展览、拍卖,500,000+PV 媒体曝 光机会。 

3. 由清华 x-lab、BCA Academy、Vulcan Dao 提供奖学金荣誉证明。 

Award rights: 

  1. Free Gas fee: The top 100 award-winning works will get free gas support and are guided by  BCA professionals on the chain.

  2. Media support: Finalists will enjoy BCA large online + offline exhibitions, auctions, and  500,000+PV media exposure.

  3. Tsinghua x-lab、BCA Academy、Vulcan Dao provides scholarship honor certificates.


 4. 申请人不限年龄、国籍,以及艺术与设计专业的在校学生及毕业生、自由艺术家、 以及艺术院校和艺术机构都可申请。

 5. 申请人需已在艺术线上平台 MetaOpus 注册并上传作品的。

 Applicant qualifications 

  1. Applicants can apply regardless of age, nationality. Art and design students and  graduates, and freelance artists.

  2. Applicants must have registered and uploaded their works on MetaOpus.co 


 1. 申请者必须保证参赛作品的原创性,并对所涉及的知识产权负完全的责任。不能抄袭、剽窃、盗用他人作品上传。 

 2. 不能含有违反国家法律法规的内容。 

 3. 申请者绝不允许将第三方的设计作品作为自己的作品参加申请。如发现涉及抄袭或其他侵权行为,申请者将立刻被取消奖学金资格。

 4. 参与申请的作品知识产权归作者所有,主办方有权在全球的范围内刊登及使用申请 作品用于宣传和展示,且无需提供申请者额外的补贴。 

 5. 凡参与申请者,将视为已充分了解和同意遵守大赛的各项规定。

 6. 奖学金计划的最终解释权归主办方所有。

 Application rules 

 1. Applicants must guarantee the originality of they artworks and take full responsibility for  the intellectual property rights involved. Do not copy, plagiarize, or embezzle others'  artworks to upload.

 2. It must not contain content that violates national laws and regulations. 

 3. Applicants are never allowed to apply for third-party artwork as their work. If plagiarism  or other infringement is found, the applicant will be immediately disqualified from the  scholarship.

 4. The intellectual property rights of the artworks involved in the application belong to the  authors, and the organizer has the right to publish and use the applied works for publicity  and display on a global scale without providing additional subsidies to the applicant.

 5. Those who participate in the application will be deemed to have fully understood and  agreed to abide by the rules of the competition. 6. The final interpretation of the scholarship program belongs to the organizer. 


 1. 作品观念形式不限,但需为数字艺术作品。

 2. 图片要求为 JPG 格式,文件大小 30mb 以內。动态图片要求为 GIF 格式,1080 以 上清晰度,容量为 50mb 以内。

 3. 视频影像不限时长、画面比例,可选格式为 mov 或 mp4,文件大小不超过 300mb。 

 4. 程序要求为 Macos 或 Windows 可执行文件;可以是交互程序,或展示程序,文件大小不超过 500mb;以 RAR 或 ZIP 格式上传,压缩包内附带如何运行程序的描述 文件及程序运行视频,文件大小不超过 300mb。

 5. 其它形式作品,例如数字装置、影像互动等请邮件或微信联系。

 Work application requirements 

  1. The concept of the work is not limited, but it must be digital artwork.

  2. The picture is required to be in JPG format and the file size is within 30MB. Dynamic  pictures must be in GIF format, with a resolution above 1080 and a capacity of less than  50mb. 

  3. The video image has no time limit and aspect ratio. The optional format is mov or mp4,  and the file size does not exceed 300mb.

  4. A macOS or Windows executable file required; It can be an interactive or a display  program, less than 500mb; If uploaded in RAR or ZIP format, the compressed package  should contain a video and a description of the program, less than 300mb. 

  5. For other forms of works, such as digital installations, video interaction etc., please  contact us via email or WeChat. 


 申请人需登陆艺术线上平台 MetaOpus http://metaopus.co,在奖学金计划专栏填写申请 表格(点击链接填写表格)。 注:申请页应附带诸如图片、视频、编程等形式的作品或作品集,详细填写每件作品 应包含诸如规模、材料、时间等,申请附件中应包含不超过 800 字的中英文个人介绍 的附带信息。 Application method and selection method Applicants need to log on to the art online platform MetaOpus http://metaopus.co, and fill in  the application form in the scholarship program column (click the link to fill in the form). *Note: The application page should be accompanied by works or portfolios in the form of  pictures, videos, programming, etc., each work should include details such as scale, materials,  time, etc., and the application attachment should contain no more than 800 words of personal introduction in Chinese and English Attached information.


申请提交日期 征集时间:2021 年 5 月 26 日 - 2021 年 8 月 21 日 

评选时间:2021 年 8 月 21 日 - 2021 年 9 月 01 日

 Submission time: May 26, 2021 - August 21, 2021

 Selection time: August 21, 2021 - September 01, 2021 

联系方式 项目联系人:BCA 小助手 


 Email: bca@bcanetwork.info 

Contact Us Twitter: @BlockCreateArt 

Wechat: bcasiri Email: bca@bcanetwork.info 

Website: metaopus.co 

主办方: BCA Art Center 、Zonff Partners、清华 x-lab 、中央美术学院设计学院艺术与科技方向 

Organizers: BCA Art Center, Zonff Partner, Tsinghua x-lab, CAFA School of Design Art and  Technology program


关于 BCA :

BCA(BlockCreateArt)是集加密艺术创作、交易、投资收藏和加密文化教育输出为一体 的全品类加密艺术 NFT 平台,致力于打造一个人人都能参与的加密艺术生态圈。BCA加密艺术生态圈的构建是以 MetaOpus(NFT 发行交易平台)为中心点,BCA Studio(加 密文化 IP 工作室)、BCA Gallery(加密艺术策展)、BCA Display(前沿终端展示)等业 务版块辐射全局。BCA 作为深耕 NFT 艺术领域的行业标杆,汇集一众跨界知名人士, 以艺术助力区块链行业,共同构建加密艺术的未来。其中,截至 2021 年 5 月平台总成 交额已超 500 万美金,MetaOpus(www.metaopus.co)从 2020 年 10 月上线至今,已覆 盖 16 个国家及地区,已签约 498 位艺术家,平台拥有 8 万全球用户。 BCA (BlockCreateArt) is the world’s leading decentralized art-tech platform that integrates the  creation, trading, collection, and culture & education outputs of crypto art. BCA aims to create  a crypto ecosystem in which everyone is empowered to participate. The crypto ecosystem that  BCA intends to build includes the primary business segment, MetaOpus (Asia’s leading art  decentralized NFT platform), coupled with other business subsidiaries: BCA Studio (crypto art  studio) and BCA Gallery (digital curation), BCA Display (screen display) etc. As an industry  benchmark in the field of NFT, BCA brings together cross-industry expertise to maximize the  potential of blockchain technology in the art world and collectively reimagine the future of  crypto art. Since its launch in October 2020, MetaOpus has covered 16 countries and regions,  has gathered 498 artists, and the platform serves 80,000 global users. As of February 2021, the  total turnover of BCA has reached $5 million. 

关于清华 x-lab:

 清华 x-lab(Tsinghua x-lab),是清华大学新型创意创新创业人才发现和培养的教育平台, 简称“三创空间“,于 2013 年 4 月 25 日正式成立。清华 x-lab 倡导学科交叉、探索未知、 体验式学习与团队协作的教育理念,致力于围绕三创(创意、创新、创业),探索新型的 人才教育模式,帮助学生学习创意创新创业的知识、技能和理念,培养学生的创造力, 包括创造性精神、创造性思维、创造性能力和执行能力,造就新一代的创新型人才。 清华 x-lab 依托清华大学经济管理学院,由清华大学经济管理学院、机械工程学院、理 学院、信息科学技术学院、美术学院、医学院、航天航空学院、环境学院、建筑学院、 材料学院、公共管理学院、工程物理系、法学院、新闻与传播学院、继续教育学院、电 机系 16 个院系合作共建,并与清华科技园、清华控股和清华企业家协会、盛景网联、 中关村发展集团、同方股份、启迪协信建立了战略合作伙伴关系。 清华 x-lab 是一个公益性的开放平台,持续接收来自清华大学的学生、校友和老师的创 意创新创业不同阶段的项目,并为他们提供学习机会、活动机会、培育指导、资源和服 务。目前,围绕学习、活动、资源和培育四个功能板块搭建平台,从创意、创新和创业 三个维度推进,持续开展一系列相关工作,包括:与清华大学研究生院共同推出“清华大 学学生创新力提升证书”课程;逐步搭建起纵横布局的创新中心,为学生提供专业领域 的训练、指导和咨询;根据不同类型的项目团队,开展有针对性的系列活动,如创新工 作坊、驻校企业家(Entrepreneur-in-Residence)和驻校天使(Angel-in-Residence) 咨询服务、北极光系列创新讲座等;提供学习和实践场所。 Tsinghua x-lab was founded in the spring of 2013 to support and motivate the Tsinghua  community and culture around innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship. To learn more, view  Tsinghua x-lab’s official account:  https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/profile_ext?action=home&__biz=MjM5NDg4ODQzMQ==&sc ene=124#wechat_redirect



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